Data table: Cross mapping

An example;

Given this flight data
  |      |       lat |         lon |
  | KMSY | 29.993333 |  -90.258056 |
  | KSFO | 37.618889 | -122.375000 |
  | KSEA | 47.448889 | -122.309444 |
  | KJFK | 40.639722 |  -73.778889 |

In the step definition, we can extract the data with the ${table.row name.column name} syntax. If you aren't quite familiar with buffers, take a look at buffers and the Set keyword.

For example, if we need the -90.258056 data from the list, we can use ${table.KMSY.lon} or when we want to have 47.448889, we use ${}. First we select the row name, then we select the column name to extract the cell data.

Action name Object Data Result
type name=lat ${} Types '29.993333'
type name=lon ${table.KMSY.lon} Types '-90.258056'