
since 2.7
action-pack Core
author JOSF-core team
status active

Built-in functions to generate test data.

Functions are always written just like variables: ${myKeyword}. Except that functions have parentheses at the end of the function name: (). These parentheses can hold parameters to add more functionality to the functions.


Returns a BSN-number that meets the criteria for a valid BSN-number.

A BSN-number is a personal identification number in the Netherlands, provided by the Dutch government.

Parameter list

The bsn() function does not have any parameters:


Example Possible result
${bsn()} 127377645


Returns an IBAN-bank account number that meets the criteria for a valid IBAN-number. At the moment only Dutch IBAN-numbers can be generated.

Parameter list

The random() function accepts two parameters to format the outcome:

iban(bankcode, formatted)

Parameter Description Valid values
bankcode The bankcode to be used. String of 4 letters
formatted Returns a formatted IBAN f

Default the bankcode TEST is used and no formatting is applied.

Example Possible result
${iban()} NL44TEST0675748720
${iban(INGB)} NL51INGB0159598052
${iban(f)} NL66 TEST 0755 9879 85
${iban(abna, f)} NL13 ABNA 0940 7927 53
${iban(ABN2, F)} NL77 TEST 0078 5908 09 (provided bankcode is invalid, default is used)


Returns a random string of letters and numbers.

Parameter list

The random() function accepts a couple of parameters to format the outcome:

random(length, casing)

Parameter Description Valid values
length Defines the number of characters in the string. If omitted the string will have a default length of 10. > 0
casing Defines if the letters in the string should be uppercase of lowercase. If omitted both uppercase and lowercase letters can occur in the string.
Casing must be the second parameter. This means that it can only be used when the length is also provided.
Example Possible result
${random()} ulgI6AdxZB
${random(5)} 451iG
${random(15, u)} DKJBEJWD8IG8MTS
${random(13, lowercase)} qztc5bqd5cmxutb
${random(uppercase)} Error (the first parameter must be the length)


Works the same as the random() function but only returns letters, not numbers.

randomText(length, casing)

Example Possible result
${randomText()} TbVxGoIOai
${randomText(5)} jrAFa
${randomText(15, upper)} HCBDOJTSATSZNYM
${randomText(13, l)} vbeixcrvrduns
${randomText(uppercase)} Error (the first parameter must be the length)


Returns a random number (integer).

Parameter list

The randomNumber() function accepts 0 or 2 parameters to steer the outcome:

randomNumber(lowerLimit, upperLimit)

Parameter Description Valid values
lowerLimit The minimum number to be returned Valid integer values (positive and negative)
upperLimit The maximum number to be returned Valid integer values (positive and negative)
Example Possible result
${randomNumber()} 449566771 (only positive numbers will be returned)
${randomNumber(5, 10)} 8
${randomNumber(-500, 500)} -387
${randomNumber(5)} Error (if limits are provided both the lower limit and the upper limit must be given)
${randomText(11, 11)} 11


Returns a Belgian Rijksregisternummer that meets the criteria for a valid RRN-number.

A RRN-number is a personal identification number in Belgium, provided by the Belgian government.

Parameter list

The rrn() function accepts two optional parameters to format the outcome:

iban(dateOfBirth, gender)

Parameter Description Valid values
dateOfBirth The date of birth Valid dates
gender Gender f, m

When no (valid) dateOfBirth is provided the current date is used as the default.

When no (valid) gender is provided the gender is set to f (female) as the default.

Example Possible result
${rrn()} 21032559420
${rrn(25-06-1995)} 95062576042
${rrn(25-06-1995, m)} 95062580101
${rrn(m)} 21032592973
${rrn(31-02-2001)} 01022811678
${rrn(32-02-2001)} 21032557440