
since 1.2
action-pack Selenese
action-list.json entries "dragdrop" : actions.execute.DragAndDrop",
"dragdropAndWait" : "actions.execute.DragAndDrop",
"dragAndDrop" : "actions.execute.DragAndDrop",
"dragAndDropAndWait" : "actions.execute.DragAndDrop",
"dragAndDropToObject" : "actions.execute.DragAndDrop",
"dragAndDropToObjectAndWait" : "actions.execute.DragAndDrop",
author JOSF-core team
status active

The drag and drop action takes one object, drags that, and drops it at another object, or at an offset from the given object. This action listens to multiple keywords.


In this example, we are assuming that the base URL is Note: The drapAndDrop action name can be exchanged for any of the drad and drop keywords (see table above).

Action name Object Data Result
dragAndDrop //*[@id='draggable'] 200, 0 Drags the object 200 pixels over the x-axis (to the right).
dragAndDrop //*[@id='draggable'] 0, 200 Drags the object 200 pixels over the y-axis (to the bottom).
dragAndDrop //*[@id='draggable'] -200, 0 Drags the object 200 pixels over the x-axis (to the left).
dragAndDrop //*[@id='draggable'] 0, -200 Drags the object 200 pixels over the y-axis (to the top).
dragAndDrop //*[@id='draggable'] 200, -200 Drags the object 200 pixels over the x-axis (to the right) and 200 pixels over the y-axis (to the top).
dragAndDrop //*[@id='draggable'] 200, -200 Drags the object 200 pixels over the x-axis (to the right) and 200 pixels over the y-axis (to the top).
dragAndDrop //*[@id='draggable'] //*[@id='droppable'] Drags the object over to the droppable object.

Also note that this action will assert that the object indeed moved. If it didn't change position, it will retry the action untill it A) moves or B) takes too long and throws an error.
