Making some configurations

Did you known that you can make JOSF dance in all kinds of situations. As of now, JOSF can dance with any web browser you tell it to dance with!

Setting different browsers

By default, JOSF is setup to execute its dance moves in Google's Chrome web browser. You can alter this to Microsoft's Internet Explorer or to Mozilla's Firefox. Note that you'll need to have these browsers installed on your local machine.

Change settings

To change settings, simply go to Configuration -> Configure Test automaat and that's it. Here you can change settings that binds to the core of JOSF. Sometimes you'll stumble upon the phrase Test automaat which translates to test automate. This is the former name of JOSF and this will be replaced in the future.

Here you can set the default browser to Firefox or Internet Explorer. If you have any of these browsers installed, go ahead and try them. Simple select the pre-configured Remote FirefoxI or Remote Internet Explorer and press Save configuration. After that, a confirmation box will state that the configuration is saved and ready for us to try out!

Now, go back to one of your test cases (or the Google Calculator one, we did earlier), and execute your test in your new browser! It's as simple as that.

Browser configuration

The three browsers; Remote Chrome, Remote Firefox and Remote Internet explorer are pre-configured by our JOSF developers for you. You can add, remove and define your own configurations yourself. This is done outside of the web-interface of JOSF and in the configuration directory.

Open the configuration directory from the root JOSF directory by going to src/main/conf. There you'll see a couple of configuration files, but let's focus on the driver-list.json file.

As the file extension shows us, this is a JSON file. A JSON file is a structured data file, that in this case contains information about which browsers we can use. Each browser is defined in the drivers element, and has at least a displayName, hubUri, browserName, platform and capabilities. The capabilities element is a collection of extra capabilities, but we'll address that later.

  "drivers": [
      "displayName": "Remote Firefox",
      "hubUri": "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub",
      "browserName": "firefox",
      "platform": "WINDOWS",
      "capabilities": {}
      "displayName": "Remote Internet Explorer",
      "hubUri": "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub",
      "browserName": "internet explorer",
      "platform": "WINDOWS",
       "version": "11",
      "capabilities": {
        "ignoreProtectedModeSettings": true,
        "ignoreZoomSetting": true,
        "ie.ensureCleanSession": true
      "displayName": "Remote Chrome",
      "hubUri": "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub",
      "browserName": "chrome",
      "platform": "WINDOWS",
      "version": "58",
      "capabilities": {}

What you see here, is the default JSON configuration. Let's break this down.

For each possible browser, a JSON object is present. For example, the Chrome browser is enabled by this block.

  "displayName": "Remote Chrome",
  "hubUri": "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub",
  "browserName": "chrome",
  "platform": "WINDOWS",
  "version": "58",
  "capabilities": {}

Here, a displayName, hubUri, browserName, platform, version and capabilities are set for the Chrome browser. The displayName is the name that is displayed in the JOSF configuration screen, found at http://localhost/josf/admin/config/test/testautomaat.

JOSF admin browser configuration

The rest is a bit more technical. The rest of the configuration is required to actually start the correct browser. As you review the entire driver-list.json, you can see that the hubUri is equal for all. This is because that is the uri of the Selenium Server is running at that address. To understand this all, you must understand the concept of Selenium Server.

Selenium Server

As you may know, Selenium is a way to automate browsers. This is what is used in the core of JOSF, to execute actions against your web application. For JOSF, Selenium Server is nothing more than a resource pool of configured browsers that you can select to test against. The Selenium Server consists of one hub and one or more nodes. Selenium Server, hub and nodes

By default, during start-up, JOSF also starts a Selenium Hub and three pre-configured Selenium nodes, depicted here. It is possible to add as many nodes as you'd like. Each node is configured separately by a JSON file.

It's even possible to add an entire new hub, which can come in handy when testing on different platforms like Linux or Mac OS.

Returning to the Remote Chrome configuration, it has three other important parameters; browserName, platform and version. These need to comply to the node that is configured with exactly the same parameters. To view these, open the configuration for the chrome-node found in C:/Program Files/JOSF/selenium/node-chrome.json. By default, it looks like this

  "capabilities": [{
    "browserName": "chrome",
    "platform": "WINDOWS",
    "version": "58",
    "maxInstances": 10

  "maxSession": 15,
  "port": 7777,
  "proxy": "org.openqa.grid.selenium.proxy.DefaultRemoteProxy",
  "register": true,
  "registerCycle": 5000,
  "hub": "http://localhost:4444",
  "nodeStatusCheckTimeout": 5000,
  "nodePolling": 5000,
  "role": "node",
  "unregisterIfStillDownAfter": 60000,
  "downPollingLimit": 2,
  "debug": false

As you see in here, it also has a capabilities parameter, with exactly those same parameter values as the Remote Chrome configuration has. Whenever adding any new nodes, make sure these parameter values comply, as the Selenium Server hub is mapping these.


As stated earlier in this tutorial, capabilities can be configured per driver in the driver-list.json configuration file. An example is the Remote Internet Explorer driver, which has some capabilities added.

  "displayName": "Remote Internet Explorer",
  "hubUri": "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub",
  "browserName": "internet explorer",
  "platform": "WINDOWS",
  "version": "11",
  "capabilities": {
    "ignoreProtectedModeSettings": true,
    "ignoreZoomSetting": true,
    "ie.ensureCleanSession": true

These capabilities are a collection of all standard capabilities, documented by the SeleniumHQ team over at GitHub. To view all possible capabilities, go to

More on Selenium Server

If you'd like to know more about Selenium Server or it's configuration with JOSF, don't hesitate to contact us!